The parts of your vehicle most susceptible to road damage are the frame and suspension of your automobile. Powder coating provides an effective protection for your frame against everyday road damage.
Love your wheels but hate the color? Has the finish taken a beating over the years? Why not get them refinished? Powder coating is an excellent way to restore, or even customize steel or aluminum wheels. But it has to be done properly and by a good powder coating company that knows what they are doing. Over heating certain kinds of wheels can cause them to become weaker than they were from the factory.
Nothing beats the durability or maintenance-free qualities of powder coating, prolong the life of you lift kit with the added protection and an outstanding color finish!
Powder coating looks great, is extremely durable, and protects the metal from rust. Today powder coating comes in so many colors, shades, and textures, that it can match the majority of any finish.
We find powder coating color options to be endless especially when selecting from companies such as prismatic colors. Many professionals can get real close to matching wraps or paints but if you really need a specific color match, some times your parts will need to be painted. This is something we can also arrange for you.
Powder coat is a type of application that can be utilized in many different ways with many different items. Have a unique project in mind even if it's not automatic related? Let us know and we would be happy to help you tackle any job.